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What are the magical properties of colour and how can it help our emotional state?


For many years I’ve been interested in alternative therapies and ‘hippy dippy – smells and bells’ stuff as we call it affectionately in my household. We know colour affects our moods, we choose the colour of our home decor accordingly.  It’s a matter of personal taste to some extent but research has shown that a room painted yellow disturbs sleep patterns as it’s such a vibrant, energising colour. In the ‘hippy dippy’ school of thought yellow is the colour of the solar plexus chakra which can be the root of a lot of emotions, if we’re feeling depressed and sluggish a big dose of yellow (sunshine, crystals, food, flowers, clothes, paint?!) can be the pick me up we need.


Even as a child we have simple colour associations – red is angry, yellow is happy, blue is sad, green is jealous etc. We’re brought up to give colour a meaning and attach emotional weight to it. We’ve all seen paintings that make us feel uplifted, or quite the opposite. It is the entire intention of art to evoke a response (preferably emotional) in the viewer.

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My experience as Live Scribe at the Blogcademy London



A ‘live scribe’ is a visual note taker. Where a topic is discussed at an event I create my own unique, hand drawn interpretation of that idea or sound bite. When live scribing you don’t draw what you see, you draw what you hear!

Last weekend I was super lucky to be invited to sponsor the the Blogcademy when it’s worldwide tour hit London. In addition to photographers and videographers, live scribing is a really fun and quirky way of documenting an event , especially a vibrant two day blogging school filled with fabulous ladies and run by three of the most exuberant personalities in blogging! Kinda suits my art style don’t you think?!




And what an inspiring weekend it was! I drew my little hands off putting pen and paint to (recycled) paper, creating visual representations of the sparkly gems of wisdom so kindly shared with us by Kat, Gala and Shauna.

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